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Workshops & Special Events

Expand your learning! Have fun with your dog!


Do Over Dog Training strives to bring in trainers that are experts in their field to help us all learn new things and become better handlers. 


Whether it’s K9 Nose Work®, Dog Parkour or Canine Fitness, you don’t want to miss out on these FUN and informative workshops and fun events.


Be sure to scroll ALL the way down to see everything we have to offer!

In-Person Workshops with Lori Timberlake

Would you like to work with Lori in-person?  Based on availability, Lori can now come to YOU for workshops.


Click HERE for workshop topics, costs and more.


Email Lori at to coordinate.  Hope to see you soon!

Beyond Training –
How to Prepare Your Team for Scent Work Trials

Wednesday, March 12th, 2025 @ 6pm EST

Open to ALL!


In this webinar we will go over all of the things to think about OUTSIDE of training to prepare you for your next trial or ORT.  You will learn what you can expect on a trial day and how you can best prepare for a fun day with your dog.


Lori  will cover her list of frequently asked questions and then we will open the webinar up for all of YOUR questions.  This webinar will be informal and participation is encouraged.


If you can't make the live webinar, no worries - it will be recorded!  Participants who attend live will also receive the recorded version.

Sniffin' at School Mock Trial

Participate in some fun sniffing and support the Potter Road BOCES Animal Science program by attending our Sniffin’ at School event! This event has very limited enrollment and will be run similar to a Mock Trial. Crating will be indoors. Teams will be able to run four trial-like searches in the school. If you are entering any of our upcoming Interior or Container Element Specialty Trials, this will be AMAZING practice.

This event is open to all levels. All searches will be between 1-3 hides. The number will be known or unknown, handler’s choice.

All handlers will need to arrive at 11:45am to check-in with the school office.  Parking is in side parking lot.


Handlers must bring photo ID in order to be checked in. Searches will begin promptly at 12:20pm. We will conclude with a small awards ceremony.


Location:  Potter Career & Technical Center, 705 Potters Road, West Seneca, NY 14224

Date:  Thursday, April 3, 2025 from 11:45am to 2:30pm
Cost:  Mock Trial Run - $50.00

Workshops with Sue Frisch

The Power of Single Hides Searches for Building Enthusiasm and Persistence

As we move up in levels and start adding complexity, size and time to our practice and trial searches we often forget about how powerful simple, single hides can be to keep our dogs motivated and enjoying the search. This workshop will be all about how you can use single hides to build motivation and keep your dog engaged in the game.

9am - 12pm
Appropriate for all levels
Lunch will be provided

2.5 CNWI CEUs available

It’s in There: Training Inaccessible Hides

Join us for a workshop covering the different types of inaccessible hides. We will cover and practice setting up training scenarios that will help provide clarity for your dog when working these problems and how to interpret your dog’s changes in behaviors so that you can call these hides confidently in a trial situation.

12:30pm - 3:30pm
Appropriate for all levels
Lunch will be provided

2.5 CNWI CEUs available

Sue Frisch Bio:

Sue Frisch is a professional dog trainer with 30+ years of experience working with dogs and their owners. After 25 years managing an animal shelter while also running a dog boarding business at her farm and teaching training classes at night, Sue’s expertise includes everything from basic manners training and behavior modification to dog psychology, nutrition, and exercise. Over the years she has worked with hundreds of families and their pet dogs.

Besides being a regular at many CNWI continuing education workshops and other NACSW seminars around the country, Sue is also a trial host, a Nose Work Camp instructor, NACSW National ORT Coordinator, part of the NACSW Trial Staff Team and is a NACSW Supervising Certifying Official currently approved for all levels..

Through her business, Your Dog’s Place, LLC, Sue helps dog owners train dogs of all sizes, ages, and temperaments to be polite four-legged family members as well as offering all levels of K9 Nose Work® classes as well private and group coaching. Her many students have successfully titled their dogs in all levels.


Event Details:

Location:  Beaver Meadow Nature Center/Buffalo Audubon Society, 1610 Welch Road North Java, NY 14113
Date:  Monday, April 7, 2025

Time:  9am - 4pm.  AM 9-12:30 / PM 1-3:30



AM & PM Workshops - Working Spot - $225.00
AM Working Spot - The Power of Single Hides - $125.00
Audit Spot - All Day - $75.00
Audit Spot - AM only - $50.00
Audit Spot - PM only - $50.00
PM Working Spot - Inaccessible Hides - $125.00

Easter Egg Hunt

We're planning an Easter egg hunt of our favorite kind - one where you and your pup seek out odor! Don't miss this opportunity to practice for trials or simply work in a new space with your dog. The top team in each category (0-2 years of experience and 2+ years of experience) will win an Easter basket full of prizes! New to sniffing or just want all the info on the search? Let us know when you arrive! All teams on odor (birch, anise and clove) are welcome.

Held at Queen City Pets (3102 Delaware Ave Kenmore, NY 14217). This is a pet store and offers the opportunity to practice with some unique distractions, including toys, treats, and more.

All levels welcome! Teams do not need to be registered with any organization.

One dog per handler per run. All teams will run the same search. Prizes will be determined by registration level (0-2 years scent work experience or 2+ years scent work experience).

Teams may run FEO, 2nd dog FEO must run after competing dog

Entry limit 30 teams

Dogs will crate out of vehicles. Please note that there is a short walk from the parking lot to the store, as the parking lot is behind the building.

A schedule will be sent a few days prior. Teams will be scheduled in groups and may arrive before and leave after their run.

Rules of the Challenge:
-Search may be run on or off leash.
-Each hide is worth 10 points
-Odors used will be Birch, Anise, Clove
-One dog per handler per run
-7 minutes with no 30-second warning (handlers can self-time)
-Unknown number of hides
-Distractors (food & toy) may be present (this is a pet store, so toys, treats, and more will be present in the search area!)
-Incorrect alert calls allowed (fault points will be applied)
-Multiple faults may be given
-Finish call stops the clock

-Each incorrect alert (5 fault points)
-Disruption of search area (3 fault point each occurrence)
-Handler dropping food (1 fault point each occurrence)
-Repeat alert on already found hide (1 fault point each occurrence)

Disqualifying Faults:
-Any harsh handling or correction of their dog by handler
-Dog eliminates or vomits in the search area
-Destruction of search area


Event Details:

Location:  Queen City Pets
Date:  Saturday, April 12, 2025

Time:  3:30 - ?

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